Australian Yellow-dust Amanita??
Amanita sp. (most likely A. flavella)
-27.4636, 152.954
Field Notes
If I've learned anything about identifying fungi species, it is never to make assumptions. Here's a spotting of yellow Amanita mushrooms located on the same track but at a different location - I hesitate because (1) The cap on this specimen is much rounder. (2) There is a clearly defined ring, whereas the others are not, and (3) The stipe is thicker and much paler. There are young (fresh) specimens at the other location, but the difference between them and this spotting is enough to raise caution. This was also a single specimen.
Native bushland in the Mt. Coot-tha Forest Reserve. Spotted on the Stringybark Track. Area generally dry but leaf litter in more shaded areas still reasonably moist. This spotting, however, was in a much drier and more exposed section of the track than my other spotting. Mushroom growing on sandy soil. Surrounding trees native eucalypts.
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