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Humayun night frog

Nyctibatrachus humayuni

Photo by KarthikAk
Published on Project Noah
NominateNominate for Wildlife Photograph of the Week0

15.9621, 73.9979

Field Notes


Humayun Calling!

One of the 27 endemic species of night frogs found in Western Ghats India. This species of frogs are the only frogs in the world that are known not to exhibit true amplexus. The females lays their eggs a few feet above the calling males on rocks, leaves, twigs and jump off. The males then visit the clutch and fertilize them. Another behavior which we observed is the male would touch the eggs as if checking if the eggs are moist enough. It was a treat observing a part of the life of these jewels of Western Ghats.

Stay tuned for the next image of this frog. Its quite interesting!


low level fresh water streams with rocks and thick forest around.

Species ID Suggestions

Comments (3)

Caught in a very good moment, KarthikAk! Very nice :-)

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