Green Iguana
Iguana iguana
14.0014, -86.9894
Field Notes
Not green at all, but still a Green Iguana. Only the young ones are bright green. They seem to get dull gray or brown, or even orange as they grow older. The really big, old males, are sometimes bright orange. //
No es verde, a pesar de ser una "Iguana Verde". Solo los jóvenes son verde brillante. Mientras que se envejecen, pierden el color y se vuelven gris o café. ¡Los grandes y viejos machos suelen ser anaranjados!
Laguna artificial en zona riparia del Río Yeguare, 750 msnm. // Artificial lagoon (for aquaculture) in riparian zone of the Yeguare River, 750 masl.
This species is common on the Zamorano campus. Often hang around the edges of the aquaculture lagoons.
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