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Marbled Godwit

Limosa fedoa

Photo by The MnMs
Published on Project Noah
NominateNominate for Wildlife Photograph of the Week0

35.3668, -120.868

Field Notes


Adults have long blue-grey hairy legs and a very long pink bill with a slight upward curve and dark at the tip. The long neck, breast and belly are pale brown with dark bars on the breast and flanks. The back is mottled and dark. They show cinnamon wing linings in flight.
These birds forage by probing on mudflats, in marshes, or at the beach. They mainly eat insects and crustaceans, but also eat parts of aquatic plants.


Morro Rock beach. Morro Bay, CA.
Their breeding habitat is the northern prairies of western Canadian Prairies, and the north central Great Plains in United States near marshes or ponds. They nest on the ground, usually in short grass. In autumn, they migrate in flocks to the coasts of California, the Gulf of Mexico, Mexico and South America.

Species ID Suggestions

Comments (5)

Thanks for the suggestion, Cindy, I will add them. @Desmond: They seemed quite used to people in that beach. It may be one particular spot they like. :-)
Hi Marta, you have a wonderful California collection! Please consider adding this and your other Morro Bay spottings to the Southern California Wildlife mission:
These may be easy for you to reach. Just a flight to CA :-) But it seems that they are winter visitors so is possible that they are not there in the summer(?) I hope to go more times to US to visit more of the North-American wilderness too :-)
Wonderful Marta, I need to visit and see these.....I love my local wildlife, but PN makes you realize what you are missing in the rest of the world. Oh to be a rich world traveler!

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