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Sugar Glider

Photo by AndreaDaSilva
Published on Project Noah
NominateNominate for Wildlife Photograph of the Week0

40.6545, -111.907

Field Notes


Lady Gaga is a sugar glider. She was a rescue. They're originally found in Australia. She eats a variety of fruit and veggies and a sugar glider pellet. Along with a special sweet nectar mixture. But her favorite is sweet human foods like cookies and cake.


Large cage. Toys. Pouches. Running wheel.

Species ID Suggestions

Comments (2)

It's a pet. They are only legal in certain states of the United States. And cannot be found anywhere in the wild of the US. Yes, it was an unwanted pet.
I was looking at this little fellow thinking '"That looks like one of our Sugar Gliders. Do they have a similar species in the US?" Perplexed!! But it is an Aussie native. This little fellow was rescued from where, Andrea? Someone's neglected pet, or are they now in the wild? Lovely photos. Hope this beauty is OK.
PublishedJuly 1, 2012

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