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Unknown Spotting

Photo by maplemoth66
Published on Project Noah
NominateNominate for Wildlife Photograph of the Week0

28.1403, -81.4584

Field Notes


This insect was about one half of an inch long. The color of it's upper wings and abdomen, was medium brown and dark brown. It also had some designs on it's upper wings. It also had a black line, running across the top of it's wings.


I found this insect, on one of the window sills, that's inside of my house.


On March 2, 2,015, I was cleaning the Venetian blinds, and the window sills, that were inside my house. While I was cleaning a window, I found three different types of insects, on one window sill. This insect looks like a Moth? I'm not sure, but this insect looks like a Moth?

Species ID Suggestions

Comments (1)

You are correct about it being a moth
PublishedMarch 3, 2015

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