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Southern Festoon

Zerynthia polyxena

Photo by Jopy
Published on Project Noah
NominateNominate for Wildlife Photograph of the Week0

44.2882, 15.4459

Field Notes


Can reach a wingspan of 60–80 mm. The females have slightly longer wings, usually lighter colored than males. The basic color of the wings is yellow, but they have a complicated pattern of several black bands and spots. On the edges of the hindwings they have a series of blue and red warning spots to deter potential predators. The body is dark brown and bears red patches on the sides of the abdomen.


Can be found in warm, sunny and open places. NP Paklenica

Species ID Suggestions

Comments (7)

Thank u, bayucca!
pravi divljaci, treba puno strpljenja za njih, ja sam ponosna da sam uhvatila čak dva :) ne znam zašto u dalmaciji leptiri nemaju taj sindrom, sve naopako :)
E pokusala ja danas lokalce uhvatit, nema sanse, valjda su vec iziritirani od turista ;) ludi su ovi nasi leptiri, oni po tropima su spori i tromi, valjda vrucina i to, dalmatinski sindrom ;)
znaš koliko mi je strpljenja trebalo za njeg! a tek sreće kad se umirio... :)

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