Deadly skullcap
Galerina marginata
46.2532, 6.07501
Field Notes
Deadly skullcap or Funeral Bell grows in a small dispersed group, seem darker brown when younger, the cap becoming more light-cream colored when older. Brown stem, a bit striated; it also seems the ring was there but got absorbed. Narrow, crowded and brown gills.
Grows in a large dispersed patch directly under the cedar tree, probably from the wood-chip mulch. Found in a large town park, under a cedar tree growing on edges of a meadow, end of January to beginning of February - and after a cold wave...
My mushroom identification suffers from my lack of experience (and I welcome corrections), but - if my ID is correct this is a highly toxic, or poisonous mushroom as itgs english name suggests. It can easily be confused with few edible mushrooms, namely Armillaria mellea, Pholiota mutabilis or Flammulina velutipes...
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